Home » Archive » Volume 5 (2014) » Issue No.1 » The role of breakfast in health

The role of breakfast in health

Dora Brikou1

  1. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece

Pages: 33-47


Since breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day, it has been studied for many years. However, due to the fact that there is not a precise definition for this meal, it is difficult to make conclusions by current literature. Indeed, there are indications that breakfast consumption is associated to a better overall diet quality. In addition, breakfast seems to improve cognitive function both in children and adults. It is also indicated that breakfast consumption is important in prevention and management of various chronic diseases. Particularly, regarding the association between breakfast consumption and weight management, it has been found that people who eat breakfast regularly gain less weight over time than people who skip this meal. It has been shown that breakfast consumption also leads to greater weight loss, which is even greater when breakfast meal is combined with a low calorie diet. Finally, breakfast consumption may be associated with weight loss maintenance since it is a common behavior among those who manage to maintain a part of weight loss. Τhe type of foods consumed at breakfast meal may be responsible for all the aforementioned advantageς.


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